If you are trying to maintain a healthy weight or are trying to lose weight these tips are worth looking into: These tips below really helps me keep my weight and body measurements at a stable number. I
DISCLAIMER ****Always consult your doctor before starting any weight loss program, diet, tips, idea or notion****
Instead of getting on a scale daily; measure your waist:
Why is your waist is a important health factor?
Excerpt from:
"A waist size over 35 inches in women and over 40 inches in men greatly increases the risk of chronic diseases like diabetes, heart disease and more.
The ideal waist size for women is 32 ½ inches and 35 inches for men. Click here to learn your body mass index, or BMI, to see how your waist size can impact your overall health."
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greenbabyguide.com |
Yes you'll have to get up early and exercise before your first meal (like before eating breakfast). A shake made of bananas, oatmeal or A thirty minute exercise routine will increase your metabolism for the entire day, not only that but you will see faster results using this method.!
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Picture: Mayoclinic.com |
Using a stability ball instead of doing regular floor crunches or sit-ups is helpful to anyone who despises floor crunches or people with back problems. Stability balls burns more fat and can also shape your waist with faster results! There not only for your mid-section you can also do other exercise once you are strong enough and confident exercise includes: push-ups, squats, and more; it's a great overall body toner.

Stability (Exercise Balls) are great for crunches, side crunches, sit-ups if you have more confidence and skills using your stability ball for push-ups, squats, yoga and more.

3. Eat Healthy Fats: Check out these websites for more info:

Healthy fats that comes from omega-3,6,9 fatty acids Food or Vitamin Sources; when choosing supplements (vitamins) always check the nutrition label; you'll need at least 600 mgs of DHA and EPA FYI: DHA is the most important when choosing a vitamin supplement most diets get enough amounts of EPA all ready. Choose a pure brand using cold water fish that has no additives.
Sources of Omega 3's In Foods

Dark Green Leafy Veggies: Broccoli, Collard Greens, Kale, Spinach
Fish: Salmon and Tuna (naming two) are great just remember in moderation these fish may have mercury, but eating twice a week is not harmful.
Whole Grains: Barley, Brown Rice, Chia Seeds, Whole Grain Breads, Quinoa
Nuts: Brazil Nuts, Walnuts
Omega-6 fatty acids can come from: Olive Oil, Wheat Germ, and many Raw Nuts like Pumpkin Seeds. Remember enjoy a handful of raw, unsalted nuts nuts and seeds are filling and satisfying—and healthful.
Omega-9's can come from Avocados, Raw unsalted Nuts: Almonds, Cashews,Walnuts to name a few.
Other Healthy Fats (Oils)
Flax Seed Oil (Note flax seed oil is a form of omega 3 fatty acid, taking too much can cancel out the effects of other other omega 3's which are beneficial to your body: so follow recommended amounts).
Coconut Oil is also a healthy fat that the body can turn into a fat blocker this helps to keep excess weight off and maintain a healthier body
1 spoonful of coconut oil keeps your metabolism high and even burns fat. Make sure you purchase organic cold press coconut oil (Purest form).
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Cooked Qunioa |
You can eat Carbohydrates! Bread, Grains, and Pastas: Switch to Whole grain sources like Breads (Whole Grain): Breads where to can actually seed the grains and nuts.

The package should say Whole Grain, not whole wheat, you want the nutrition that comes from the whole grain, not part of the grain which is what Whole Wheat bread is made from part of the grain that has little nutrients.
Skip White Rice and choose
Whole Grains like: Brown Rice, Barley, and Qunioa & Whole Wheat pastas are high in fiber.
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Labelle'scusine.com |
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Miraclefatburingfoods.com |
Whether you slow cook them or stove top simmer, beans are chock full of healthy!
Examples of beans: ( kidney, black, navy, pinto, chickpeas (garbanzo beans), soybeans, dried peas and lentils
Benefits of a diet that includes beans at least once a week: Eating beans slows down aging, are full of protein (which keeps you full and satisfied longer), keeps blood sugar stable, and is an anti-inflammatory food; perfect meal for working out helps with muscle soreness.
7. Full body Movements http://exercise.about.com/cs/exbeginners/l/blbegstrength.htm
Working your whole body instead of sections (Stomach: Crunches, Arm: Bicep Curls), creates full body weight loss, and improves not only flexibility but increases circulation which helps your improve stamina you'll be able to workout easier and exercise longer (Endurance).
Total Body Movements that works both top and bottom Examples: Yoga, Lunges Squats ETC
Pictures: Essence.com
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Side Lunge & Press |
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Sitting Bridge |
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Squat & Curl |
8. Circuit Training (Interval Training)
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Fitsugar.com |
If you are looking to maintain a healthy weight, increase your metabolism, or push past a plateau while toning your body; studies shows exercise routines that included both Cardio Exercises and
Weight Training helps burn more fat than cardio alone. Weight training can maintain muscle mass and/or increase muscles mass which burns fat while keeping your whole body tone and tight.
Cardio Exercises:
Biking, Dancing, Jogging, Swimming, Walking, Working out on a Machine Stairs IE: Stepper or Elliptical trainer
Weight Training Exercises (Strength/Resistance Training):
Lifting Weights, Resistance Bands, ETC
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strengthtrainingsite.com |
NOTE: Improper form causes strain and can cause damage to your muscles while lifting weights or using resistance bands; if something doesn't feel right, you start to cramp up or you feel pain you should stop; before you begin again check with your doctor about your exercise routine also talk to a fitness expert about form when using weights and/or resistance bands.
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www.eastbaytrainer.com |
Ladies don't be afraid of gaining muscles you need muscles for:
- Maintain a healthy weight (muscles burn fat)
- Fight Osteoporosis (Bone Loss) Women start to lose bone mass as early as 30 and continue to lose every year after unless you are strength/weight training.
- Increases circulation which is great for your overall health
NOTE: Bicycling and swimming are great for the heart but will not make the bones denser; weight lifting (strengthens training) strengthen muscles.
You don't have to worry about using weights in your exercise routines; there's only so much muscles a woman's body can gain, the only way you'll look like a body builder is by eating a specific regimen. A body builder's diet is some what intense and needs specific foods at certain hours to maintain all those bulky muscles. If you aren't eating this way which 99% of women are NOT you will not gain heavy muscle.
When starting a weight training regimen it is important not to over do it; keep your strength training (resistance workouts), to 3 day a week maximum, this will keep your muscles toned but without creating over exhaustion or cause damage to your muscles.
NOTE: If you have started a workout similar to the sample Workout below and feel too much cramping or soreness, please do not continue until you talk to your doctor and also fitness expert on: dietary factors, your current health and, proper form. Also be sure to mention the exact exercises you have incorporated into you lifestyle.
EXAMPLE: Strength/Resistance Training Workout
Great website for beginners: http://bodyforlife.com/library/exercise/weight-training
An example of a weight training schedule is: 3 days of strength training/lifting:
Remember 8-12 reps for each exercise the link above give a clear schedule of Weight Training (click the link above for more understanding.
Upper Body for Day 1
Lower Body Day 2
Upper Body for Day 3
The other two days should be of aerobic, anaerobic or cardio exercise, the last two days of the week should be for REST. Then Repeat the schedule
Start out with Low weights (2,4,5,6, 7, 8,9, and 10's) Barbells and work your way to heavier sets.
Tip: If you have a weaker upper body or heavy arms you can tired out before getting a good workout in, stick with low weights like 2, 3,4, and 5's when your arms get stronger you can then switch to a heavier set of dumbbells.
Resistance Bands comes in different colors to represent the difficulty to see the what types of bands are helpful for beginners first read/research before you purchase any resistance bands
- Research on different types of bands to fit your needs
- Talk to fitness and gym coaches
- Also talk to knowledgeable fitness store workers.
Do not over do weight training or resistance training which can cause serious harm to your muscles.
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WebMD.com |
When you do not drink water your body holds on to more fat and more toxins; water is needed to hydrate organs, increase circulation, also flush out excess toxins. When your body is dehydrated it creates the development of aging and inflammatory.
Drink: At least eight glasses of water every day
Skip: Artificial Beverages, Drinks, and Juices:
If you can't go without sweet drinks go with 100% fruit juices; mix half juice and half water.
Look for Juices that contains 100% fruit juice from a single juice or a juice blend.
Note: Look for Fresh Juice; Juice that is not frozen, pasteurized (pasteurization kills many nutrients in the juice) or processed.
Skip "Fruit Drinks" Any beverage that says on the label:
Juice Cocktail, Ade, Drink Beverage
Many time these beverages contains only 5-10% of fruit juice the rest is loaded with artificial sugars and coloring like red-40 ETC.
Skip Carbonated Beverages: Seltzer, Sodas, and Tonics anything that fizzes just say no.
Dave Chappelle "Purple Stuff"
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grangercattleco.com |
How to Choose Lean Meats
11. Stress: If you're under constant your body may be producing hormones like Cortisol
this hormone causes increase appetite causing a person to over eat and gain extra fat around the abdominal area, which is extremely unhealthy.
Grehlin is a another hormone that your body produces naturally and causes you to want to constantly want to eat.
Always plan your meal to make sure you know what choices you'll have: Never go 3-4 hours with out a snack; eating a small healthy snack every 2-3 hour will help to curb your appetite and reduce over-eating; never wait until until your extremely hungry this causes over-eating and to eat whatever is convenient (unhealthy junk foods).
12. Sleep: It's important not to skip on sleep your body needs to recharge and rest. If you are eating right, exercising daily but still not losing weight or have gained weight; you may not be getting adequate sleep: 6 to 8 hours of sleep is recommended, taking small naps will not replace a full six to eight hours of uninterrupted sleep.
Note: Gaining or Losing Weight is a sign from your body please go to a doctor to make sure it's nothing serious.
Make sure to take steps to ensure your room is Sleep Friendly:
Excerpt from: http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/sleep/HQ01387
- Make your room cool, dark, quiet, and comfortable: turn off an fans this can disturb your sleep and dry out your mouth which can wake you up.
- Go to bed when your tired, make sure to turn off any direct lights in the room.
- Choose a comfortable bed and bedding
- Skip Alcohol, Coffee, Chocolate (Sweets), High Fat Foods, Milk and Milk products, and Nicotine: these either keep you up at night, or disturb your sleep: Alcohol re-awakes you in the middle of the night.
- Go to bed the same night, every night: Make it a routine to go to bed at a sensible hour every night your body will get use to this schedule.
- Don't drink large amounts of water before bed
Those are my top 12 tips on maintaining or losing weight
Remember these are just tips, do your own research, talk to a doctor and health physician, Dietitian then put together a regimen that fits your lifestyle.
Helpful Links:
Read Weight Loss Cutting and Burning.....
Read 10 Common Workout Mistakes on Oprah.com
Read Rework Your Workout
Read Not Losing Weight???
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