Monday, November 29, 2010

Top 12 Tips: Maintaining a Healthy Weight {Updated February 12, 2011}


If you are trying to maintain a healthy weight or are trying to lose weight these tips are worth looking into: These tips below really helps me keep my weight and body measurements at a stable number. I

DISCLAIMER ****Always consult your doctor before starting any weight loss program, diet, tips, idea or notion****

 Instead of getting on a scale daily; measure your waist:

Why is your waist is a important health factor? 

Excerpt from: 

"A waist size over 35 inches in women and over 40 inches in men greatly increases the risk of chronic diseases like diabetes, heart disease and more.
The ideal waist size for women is 32 ½ inches and 35 inches for men. Click here to learn your body mass index, or BMI, to see how your waist size can impact your overall health."
    1. Exercise before Breakfast (Workout before your first meal of the day)

    Yes you'll have to get up early and exercise before your first meal (like before eating breakfast). A shake made of bananas, oatmeal or  A thirty minute exercise routine will increase your metabolism for the entire day, not only that but you will see faster results using this method.! 

    2. Invest in a Stability (Exercise Ball) (Theses Exercise Balls go by many names)
     Using a stability ball instead of doing regular floor crunches or sit-ups is helpful to anyone who despises floor crunches or people with back problems. Stability balls burns more fat and can also shape your waist with faster results! There not only for your mid-section you can also do other exercise once you are strong enough and confident exercise includes: push-ups, squats, and more; it's a great overall body toner.

    Stability (Exercise Balls) are great for crunches, side crunches, sit-ups if you have more confidence and skills using your stability ball for push-ups, squats, yoga and more.

    Danskin's Core Ball Plus (starts at $35) this exercise ball has a bottom ring which givesyou stability while working your core. This is really good for anyone who wants added security: This ball with ring will not move so you can focus on your workout without having to secure a moving ball.
     Bosu ball you see them at your gym, there a little more expensive, but these balls are great for many workout routines.You can do Cardio, Crunches, Push-Ups on the bosu ball

    3. Eat Healthy Fats: Check out these websites for more info:

    The two essential fatty acids the human body cannot produce are  omega-3 fatty acid and omega-6 fatty acid, they're important for blood pressure regulation,brain development, and strong immune system functions.

    Healthy fats that comes from omega-3,6,9 fatty acids Food or Vitamin Sources; when choosing supplements (vitamins) always check the nutrition label; you'll need at least 600 mgs of DHA and EPA FYIDHA is the most important when choosing a vitamin supplement most diets get enough amounts of EPA all ready. Choose a pure brand using cold water fish that has no additives.

    Sources of Omega 3's In Foods

    Dark Green Leafy Veggies: Broccoli, Collard Greens, Kale, Spinach 

    Fish: Salmon and Tuna (naming two) are great just remember in moderation these fish may have mercury, but eating twice a week is not harmful.

    Whole Grains: Barley, Brown Rice, Chia Seeds, Whole Grain Breads, Quinoa

    Nuts: Brazil Nuts, Walnuts

    Omega-6 fatty acids can come from: Olive Oil, Wheat Germ, and many Raw Nuts like Pumpkin Seeds. Remember enjoy a handful of raw, unsalted nuts nuts and seeds are filling and satisfying—and healthful.

    Omega-9's can come from Avocados, Raw unsalted Nuts:  Almonds, Cashews,Walnuts to name a few.

    Other Healthy Fats (Oils) 

    Flax Seed Oil (Note flax seed oil is a form of omega 3 fatty acid, taking too much can cancel out the effects of other other omega 3's which are beneficial to your body: so follow recommended amounts).

    Coconut Oil is also a healthy fat that the body can turn into a fat blocker this helps to keep excess weight off and maintain a healthier body

    1 spoonful of coconut oil keeps your metabolism high and even burns fat. Make sure you purchase organic cold press coconut oil (Purest form).

    Cooked Qunioa

     4. Stick With Healthy Carbs

    You can eat Carbohydrates! Bread, Grains, and Pastas: Switch to Whole grain sources like Breads (Whole Grain): Breads where to can actually seed the grains and nuts.

    The package should say Whole Grain, not whole wheat, you want the nutrition that comes from the whole grain, not part of the grain which is what Whole Wheat bread is made from part of the grain that has little nutrients.

    Skip White Rice and choose  

    Whole Grains like: Brown Rice, Barley, and Qunioa & Whole Wheat pastas are high in fiber.

     5. Choose Fruits with Less Sugar: The Berries that Slim You Down: Fruits are wonderful in general, but if you want to stick with less sugar and high antioxidants choose Blue Berries, Cherries, Raspberries, and Strawberries. All have antioxidants which slows down aging and clears your body of toxins to name a few benefits! 

    6. Beans (Delicious Beans)

    Whether you slow cook them or stove top simmer, beans are chock full of healthy!

    Examples of beans: ( kidney, black, navy, pinto, chickpeas (garbanzo beans), soybeans, dried peas and lentils

    Benefits of a diet that includes beans at least once a week: Eating beans slows down aging, are full of protein (which keeps you full and satisfied longer), keeps blood sugar stable, and is an anti-inflammatory food; perfect meal for working out helps with muscle soreness. 

    7. Full body Movements

    Working your whole body instead of sections (Stomach: Crunches, Arm: Bicep Curls), creates full body weight loss, and improves not only flexibility but increases circulation which helps your  improve stamina you'll be able to workout easier and exercise longer (Endurance).

    Total Body Movements that works both top and bottom Examples: Yoga, Lunges Squats ETC

    Side Lunge & Press

    Sitting Bridge

    Squat & Curl

    8. Circuit Training (Interval Training)
    Switch it up, a good exercise routine have different exercises for each day; your workouts never gets boring and your body doesn't get use to the same  routine so your doesn't hit a long plateau.

    If you are looking to maintain a healthy weight, increase your metabolism, or push past a plateau while toning your body; studies shows exercise routines that included both Cardio Exercises  and

    Weight Training helps burn more fat than cardio alone. Weight training can maintain muscle mass and/or increase muscles mass which burns fat while keeping your whole body tone and tight.

    Cardio Exercises:
    Biking, Dancing, Jogging, Swimming, Walking, Working out on a Machine Stairs IE: Stepper or Elliptical trainer

    Weight Training Exercises (Strength/Resistance Training):

    Lifting Weights, Resistance Bands,  ETC

    What is Strength Training/Resistance Training whats the difference??
    Strength training uses resistance like free weights, weight machines, resistance bands, even a person's own weight to build muscles and strength. Strength Training is resistance training.

    Resistance Bands:
    NOTE: Improper form causes strain and can cause damage to your muscles while lifting weights or using resistance bands; if something doesn't feel right, you start to cramp up or you feel pain you should stop; before you begin again check with your doctor about your exercise routine also talk to a fitness expert about form when using weights and/or resistance bands.
    Ladies don't be afraid of gaining muscles you need muscles for:
    1. Maintain a healthy weight (muscles burn fat)
    2. Fight Osteoporosis (Bone Loss) Women start to lose bone mass as early as 30 and continue to lose every year after unless you are strength/weight training.
    3. Increases circulation which is great for your overall health
    NOTE: Bicycling and swimming are great for the heart but will not make the bones denser; weight lifting (strengthens training) strengthen muscles.
      You don't have to worry about using weights in your exercise routines; there's only so much muscles a woman's body can gain, the only way you'll look like a body builder is by eating a specific regimen. A body builder's diet is some what intense and needs specific foods at certain hours to maintain all those bulky muscles. If you aren't eating this way which 99% of women are NOT you will not gain heavy muscle.

      When starting a weight training regimen it is important not to over do it; keep your strength training (resistance workouts), to 3 day a week maximum, this will keep your muscles toned but without creating over exhaustion or cause damage to your muscles. 

      NOTE: If you have started a workout similar to the sample Workout below and feel too much cramping or soreness, please do not continue until you talk to your doctor and also fitness expert on: dietary factors, your current health and, proper form. Also be sure to mention the exact exercises you have incorporated into you lifestyle.

      EXAMPLE: Strength/Resistance Training Workout 

      An example of a weight training schedule is: 3 days of strength training/lifting: 

      Remember 8-12 reps for each exercise the link above give a clear schedule of Weight Training (click the link above for more understanding.

      Upper Body for Day 1
      Lower Body Day 2
      Upper Body for Day 3

      The other two days should be of aerobic, anaerobic or cardio exercise, the last two days of the week should be for REST. Then Repeat the schedule

      Start out with Low weights (2,4,5,6, 7, 8,9, and 10's) Barbells and work your way to heavier sets.

      Tip: If you have a weaker upper body or heavy arms you can tired out before getting a good workout in, stick with low weights like 2, 3,4, and 5's when your arms get stronger you can then switch to a heavier set of dumbbells.

      Resistance Bands comes in different colors to represent the difficulty  to see the what types of bands are helpful for beginners first read/research before you purchase any resistance bands
      1. Research on different types of bands to fit your needs
      2. Talk to fitness and gym coaches
      3. Also talk to knowledgeable fitness store workers.
      Do not over do weight training or resistance training which can cause serious harm to your muscles.
      9. Don't Forget Water: If your not big on drinking water, then start drinking it now. Your body cannot metabolize fat (break it down to use for energy), if you are skipping water.

      When you do not drink water your body holds on to more fat and more toxins; water is needed to hydrate organs, increase circulation, also flush out excess toxins. When your body is dehydrated it creates the development of aging and inflammatory.

      Drink: At least eight glasses of water every day

      Skip: Artificial Beverages, Drinks, and Juices:

      If you can't go without sweet drinks go with 100% fruit juices; mix half juice and half water.

      Look for Juices that contains 100% fruit juice from a single juice or a juice blend.

      Note: Look for Fresh Juice; Juice that is not frozen, pasteurized (pasteurization kills many nutrients in the juice) or processed.

      Skip "Fruit Drinks" Any beverage that says on the label:

      Juice Cocktail, Ade, Drink Beverage

      Many time these beverages contains only 5-10% of fruit juice the rest is loaded with artificial sugars and coloring like red-40 ETC.

      Skip Carbonated Beverages: Seltzer, Sodas, and Tonics anything that fizzes just say no.

      Dave Chappelle "Purple Stuff"
      10. Go Lean with Meats: If you love meat but are looking to slim down choose lean cuts instead, check the back of the nutrition and make sure the label says lean or extra lean (no broth added are best).

      How to Choose Lean Meats 

      11. Stress: If you're under constant your body may be producing hormones like Cortisol
       this hormone causes increase appetite causing a person to over eat and gain extra fat around the abdominal area, which is extremely unhealthy.

      Grehlin is a another hormone that your body produces naturally and causes you to want to constantly want to eat.

      Always plan your meal to make sure you know what choices you'll have: Never go 3-4 hours with out a snack; eating a small healthy snack every 2-3 hour will help to curb your appetite and reduce over-eating; never wait until until your extremely hungry this causes over-eating and to eat whatever is convenient (unhealthy junk foods).

      12. Sleep: It's important not to skip on sleep your body needs to recharge and rest. If you are eating right, exercising daily but still not losing weight or have gained weight; you may not be getting adequate sleep: 6 to 8 hours of sleep is recommended, taking small naps will not replace a full six to eight hours of uninterrupted sleep.

      Note: Gaining or Losing Weight is a sign from your body please go to a doctor to make sure it's nothing serious.

      Make sure to take steps to ensure your room is Sleep Friendly:

      Excerpt from:
      1. Make your room cool, dark, quiet, and comfortable: turn off an fans this can disturb your sleep and dry out your mouth which can wake you up.
      2. Go to bed when your tired, make sure to turn off any direct lights in the room.
      3. Choose a comfortable bed and bedding
      4. Skip Alcohol, Coffee, Chocolate (Sweets), High Fat Foods, Milk and Milk products, and Nicotine: these either keep you up at night, or disturb your sleep: Alcohol re-awakes you in the middle of the night.
      5. Go to bed the same night, every night: Make it a routine to go to bed at a sensible hour every night your body will get use to this schedule.
      6. Don't drink large amounts of water before bed

      Those are my top 12 tips on maintaining or losing weight
      Remember these are just tips, do your own research, talk to a doctor and health physician, Dietitian then put together a regimen that fits your lifestyle. 
      Read 10 Common Workout Mistakes on

      Read Rework Your Workout

      Read Not Losing Weight???

      ***Remember to talk to your doctor before starting any fitness (Workout) Program or Diet Regimen***

      Wednesday, November 10, 2010

      Why Should You Avoid: Alcohols, Silicone's and Sulfates in Hair Products

      Q: Why Should You Avoid:  Alcohols,  Silicone's and Sulfates in Hair Products?

      A: The quick answer is ingredients are mostly synthetic chemicals that causes dryness of hair and scalp, Also these chemical only provide short term solution while coating the hair with resisdue which is called product build-up this can cause extreme dryness and even causes irritation to the scalp.
      These ingredients below are found in most haircare products, unless you purchase haircare products that does not have these ingredients listed the beauty product you have have these and more chemical that cause dry hair,skin, irritation and more: This is not a full list of ingredients that causes hair dryness, these are many of the common ingredients found in haircare products.

      What are Alcohols? 

      There are many types of alcohols used in hair products below gives info on the types in your hair products:
      1. Benzyl alcohol
      2. Alcohol Denat
      3. Cetearyl Alcohol
      4. Cetyl Alcohol  
      5. Stearyl Alcohol 
      6. Ethanol
      7. Isopropyl Alcohol
      8. Propanol/Propyl alcohol   
      9. SD alcohol,
      10. SD alcohol 40

      Not all alcohols in beauty products damage hair; but these listed can weight's down hair, creates product build-up, and some causes extreme dryness.

       Alcohol's To Avoid  (Dries Out Hair)

      1.Cetearyl Alcohol (Most Drying Alcohol in Hair/Skin Products)  Should be avoided to prevent dryness, frizz, itchy scalp, and split ends.

      Keeps liquids and oils in beauty products from separating; though this substance softens hair and skin; it  strips both your hair and skin of natural oil during washing

      2. Cetearyl Alcohol   
      Should be avoided if you are looking for a product that doesn't dry out your hair/skin or if you have a sensitive scalp.

      3. Isopropyl Alcohol Also Labeled as SD-40
      Are found in hairspray and styling products: Gels, Leave-In Conditioners ETC, use to quickly dry (set) hair in place.

      4. Alcohol Denat
      Alcohols Made From Fats/Oils (Hair wont be able to absorb moisture if using these product daily)
      Weights Down Hair, Product Build-Up, Coats Hair cannot Absorb Moisture

      1. Cetyl Alcohol 
      Is made from vegetable oils like: coconut oil or palm oil In beauty products, it is used as an emollient, lubricant or surfactant, which allows the products to spread easier.

      2. Stearyl Alcohol 
      Is a softening agent used for hair and body products; it can be made from animal fat or (stearic acid), it can be produce from cocoa or shea butters as well.

      Alcohols used as Preservative
      Benzyl alcohol

      What Are Silicone's?

      Silicone's are used in many beauty products; silicone are used to make hair feel smooth and are sometime's used to prevent frizz.

      Harsh Silicones That Blocks Out Moisture:
      • Amodimethicone
      • Cyclomethicone
      • Dimethiconol 
      • Phenyl Trimethicone
      Silicone's That Are Water Soluble (Absorbs Some Moisture & Penetrate's Hair Shaft)
      • Dimethicone copolyol
      • PEG-modified dimethicone

      Products like Hair Polishers and Serums are all Silicone base ingredients.
      Hair serums smell good and gives hair quick smooth shine, but quickly dries hair out

      Silicone's in Conditioner are use for the following:

      Silicone Based Conditioners
      • Helps de-tangle Hair
      • Prevents Breakage
      • Provides Shine
      • Reduces Static & Frizz
      Silicone Based Shampoos Provides
      • Shine
      • Slip 

       The Problem with Silicone's in Conditioners & Shampoos

      Often when using silicone based products daily or weekly is product build- up, silicone residues builds up quickly and prevent any moisture from entering the hair shaft. Adding any additional moisture to help condition the hair is a problem since it cannot not be absorbed. Silicone blocks moisture causing the hair to become dull, dry, and tangle, which can lead to major breakage.

      If using Silicone based hair products using a clarifying shampoo to the right: (V05 Kiwi Clarifying Shampoo) or (Diluted Vinegar mixture) every two weeks can reduce silicone build-up.

      A quick list of silicone:

      Silicone & Sulfate-Free Clarifying Shampoos

      Not all clarifying shampoos are silicone and sulfate free (which is ironic), but here's 3 shampoos that are:

      • CURLS Pure Curls Clarifying Shampoo, clarifying sulfate free shampoo
      • Elucence Volume Clarifying Shampoo
      • EO Clarifying Shampoo
      To find more sulfate free clarifying shampoos GOOGLE: Clarifying shampoos sulfate-free

      What Are Sulfates?

      In shampoos and other beauty products Sulfates are the foaming agent or surfactant.
      Sulfates Makes Foam

      Sulfates are used in shampoos since they are inexpensive and creates a lot of foam which gives the impression the more bubbles the cleaner the hair.

      You know the squeaky clean sound that your hair makes after it's been washed, the foam and sulfates strips the hair's natural oils and moisture.

      Why Sulfates Can Cause Damage To Hair

      Sulfates causes follicle damage from strong stripping of hair's natural oils, which creates unnatural hair loss, it dries out hair and can cause irritation to the scalp.

      How to look for Sulfate Free Shampoos

      Reading the back of your bottle is important if the label reads any of the following do not buy that product has sulfates:

      How Spot Sulfates on Product Labels

      • Ammonium Lauryl Sulfate Also labeled as SLS and ALS
      • Sodium Laureth (or Lauryl)
      • Sodium Lauryl Ether Sulfate (SLES) is a "milder" sulfate 

      Where to Buy Sulfate Free Products
      • Natural Food stores
      • Whole Food
      • Grocery Stores (Natural Food Section)
      Check in the hair care aisle of your favorite discount store for organic and all-natural hair care products
      Some local hair salon also carry sulfate-free shampoos

      And the Internet
       Google Sulfate free

      Also check out these websites, both can be use as tools to make better choices for your body:

      Amazon has a large selection of organic and all-natural shampoos available in a variety of sizes.

      Coming Soon: Reading Labels: Breaking Down Ingredient Labels.

      Understanding Your Labels: Beauty Products Ingredients

      To understand what goes into your conditioners, shampoos, and beauty products in general you can break down each ingredient listed on the label into groups :

      • Chemicals
      • Natural Botanical/Extracts
      • Oils
      Research these ingredients online

      It's time consuming but once you know most of the ingredients in just one of your hair/beauty product it gets easier to spot what's, what in your beauty products.

      Many beauty (Hair) products have the same ingredients as all others products, see if you can find the same ingredients listed on two different type of lotions or conditioners, or even shampoos. You can get the idea of how ingredients are used.

      The Cosmetic Data Base website is a chemical search engine

      You can look up the definition of chemicals
      what the chemical is used for in beauty products, and even the level of danger if using a products with these ingredients.

      Google (Engine Search) for Quick Definitions

      To understand the benefits Botanical, Herbs, and Oils plays in beauty products, just Google the particular name, plus hair, and benefits

      Example: Coconut Oil+hair+benefits

      Websites will have great info about these ingredients; you can Google: Herb List or Botanical List to get a full description of each herb

      Many websites have a large list with definitions, properties, and usage

      Websites for Hair Care and Natural Hair Care
      Popular websites dedicated towards healthy hair have threads discussing:

      Hair Products
      How To Use Hair Tools
      Hair Regimens
      Oils and How to Use Them
      Hair Terms meanings like: Bunning, Trimming, Sealing

      Long Hair Care Forum


      Naturally Curly

      Black Hair Media

      Long Hair Community

      More Information Coming Soon!

      Top 4 “Go To” Moisturizing Conditioners

      Top 4 “Go To” Conditioners that have these Ingredients:
      1. Aloe Note: Aloe lightens hair
      2. Botanical
      3. Glycerin/Glycerin
      4. Oils

      1. Aubrey Organics Honeysuckle Rose Conditioner
      Note: Honeysuckle Rose has a Strong Herbal/Citrus Scented

      2. Nature's Gate Aloe Vera Moisturizing Conditioner Note: Light Plain Lotion Scent

      3. Jason Aloe Vera 84% Conditioner Note: Aloe can Lighten Hair

      All three conditioners are budget friendly ($3-$7)
      Have Moisture Ingredients: Aloe, Botanical, Glycerin, and/or Oil's
      And Can Replace a Leave-in Conditioner

      You can buy these conditioners online at:

       4. Suave Tropical Coconut Conditioner: Probably should be number one in my book considering the silk amino acid and honey that in the ingredients, also the scent is very soft and leaves my hair smelling nice through-out a full week.

      Or at your local Supermarket in the hair product section, health section Or even your local Whole Foods Market

      More Information on Moisturizing/Hydrating Conditioners Coming Soon!

      Tuesday, November 9, 2010

      Protein Conditioners: {Part 2} of Care for Your Natural Hair: A Better Way

      Do Naturals Need a Protein Conditioner?

      There are different types of protein used in conditioners, eight types of commonly used proteins in most Conditioners are listed below:

      • Biotin 
      • Collagen 
      • Hydrolyzed wheat protein 
      • Keratin 
      • Panthenol
      • Silk amino acids
      • Silk Protein 
      Proteins are added to conditioners because the beauty industry is marketed for Caucasians. White people have thin fine hair which needs a lot of protein to maintain their hair health and its strength.

      African Americans and those who wear their hair Natural have naturally thicker hair that holds on to protein; conditioners with added protein is not needed; enough protein is provided through diet (food).

      Protein that are gentle enough for daily use:

      Silk Protein 
      Vegetable Protein
      Wheat Protein

      Proteins that are Harsh on Natural Hair (Use Once a Month/Once every 2 Months)

      Example Strong Protein Conditioner

      The protein listed above are strong and can harden hair extremely fast, which can make hair brittle, dry, and very hard to moisturize. Using these types of protein once every month or two months can prevent dryness and breakage.

      Black women who wear their hair natural can go without using protein conditioners also called (deep conditioners) and still maintain soft, healthy strong hair. While women who have relaxed hair or very thin hair benefit from using protein twice a week; more often.

      When Should Protein NOT be in your Hair Care Regimen ??

       If after using a protein conditioner your hair becomes brittle, dry, hard, and/or courser than the usual texture:

      Skip protein conditioners altogether

      How do you know if you need Protein over time?
      •  Over-Moisturized Hair- If your hair is stretchy (elastic like) 
      •  Thin (Fine) Hair
      If your hair is naturally fine (thin) a light protein conditioner works well to strengthen the hair.

      If  your hair has been condition for over the recommend time (5-15 minutes), then your hair has been over moisturized. A light protein conditioner can strengthen soft stretchy hair; make sure you don't leave the conditioner in no longer than 15 minutes, any longer could cause your hair to be hard.

      Always pay attention to your hair, your hair have cycles when it needs protein or moisture. 

      Learning how to find a balance takes time so please have patience.

      NEXT: How do you know when your hair need protein or moisture ???

      Do's n Dont's of Hair Care: {Part 3 }of Care for Your Natural Hair A Better Way

       Do's of Hair Care:

      Do stay away from hair products that contains mostly: alcohols, silicone, & sulfates

      Whats are Alcohols, Silicone's, and Sulfates

      Click this link to learn more:

      Do De-tangle in Sections

      Do Lightly Spray your hair with water or wet your hair till damp: Before combing, brushing, or styling your hair

      Do sleep with a head covering (at least in extremely cold/hot weather nights) use preferably a Silk Scarf

      Do Deep condition (Without Protein) at least once a week if not more
      (Especially if your hair is extra DRY)

      Do braid your hair up at night: less work in the morning (its less damage/stress on hair)

      Don't s of Hair Care:

       Don't comb hair or de-tangle hair when dry

      (At least dampen your hair before brushing or combing)

      Don't Over Use Conditioner 
      Use enough conditioner to coat your hair, any extra conditioner is a waste

      Don't leave conditioner in your hair for more than 15-30 minutes, it does not create moisturized hair, it does over moisturizes which:

      Makes hair too stretchy (elastic) and hair will snap and break off
      Don't Over Use Proteins
      Too much Protein makes hair brittle

      Protein Conditioners can Cause MAJOR BREAKAGE

      Don't Over Use Shampoo 
      Shampooing to back-to-back or more than twice in a week

      Dries hair and scalp of your hair natural hair oil called Sebum and strips of necessary moisture.

      Shampooing too often will  make hair Brittle and Dry which leads to Breakage Yikes!

      Don't Over-Use Oils
      Using too much oils to seal hair of moisture can leave your hair greasy/oily your hair will not be moisturized: 

      Remember Oil is not moisture Water is Moisture 

      How to Quickly Soften Brittle Dry Hair
      1. Section hair into four or more parts
      2. Use water to soften hard brittle DRY hair 
      3. Massage a moisturizing conditioner with NO PROTEIN, into hair
      4. Seal with a penetrating oil (dime size amount), into sectioned hair

      This post is Part 3 of Care for Your Natural Hair: A Better Way

      Part 4 Segment: Replacing Conditioners & Shampoos with Food!

      Coming Soon!

      Replacing Conditioners & Shampoos: {Part 4} of Care for Your Natural Hair: A Better Way

      All Natural Hair Treatments

      I'm sure you heard of or seen hair masks made out of a mixture of foods like: mayonnaise, avocado, olive oil, or eggs, well using food instead of expensive hair products to Condition, Moisturize and Strengthen hair isn't so wacky after all, these foods below can replace three hair products:

      Deep Conditioner/Protein Conditioner
      Moisturizing Conditioner

      You can test these recipes as see if these hair treatment works for your hair.

      These recipes provided are easy 2 or 1 ingredients recipes, you can tweak the recipes to your liking just remember each food have its own properties like: honey naturally lightens hair and egg is a protein and can harden hair fast

      If you tried it and it just doesn't work for your natural hair go back to using Conditioners and Shampoos, just look for natural, organic, and chemical free ingredients.

      This post is to motivate anyone who is looking for new ideas for their hair care the more natural products in your Hair Care Regimen the better.


      Always remember to take precaution when adding a new hair care treatment

      Do your own research and see what you can learn about these foods, the list of foods that can be a great hair mask can be many so test out these few below:

      Banana as a Conditioner

      *Buy Baby Food Puree Instead of mashing up a ripe banana,  fresh banana cannot be fully washed out of natural curly hair*

      Ingredients Fully Ripened Bananas, Citric Acid, Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C)

      Banana Mask Recipe (1 Ingrdient: Banana Puree)

      1 or 2 bottles of Puree Bananas

      Add mixture to section hair

      Let sit for 10-30 minutes with shower cap

      Rinse out with cool luke warm water

      Honey as a Moisturizing Treatment  

      *Honey Lightens Hair

      Be careful not to heat up the honey and do not use honey if you do not want your hair to be lighten.
      Honey can strip the color from your hair:
      If your hair is dyed dark dyes like black/brown will be stripped and color will not be a vibrant.

      Regular table honey is fine

      Honey Mask Recipe (2 Ingredients)
      Mix together olive oil and honey

      Apply to hair

      Wrap your hair in a warm, damp towel or shower cap.

      Leave the hair mask on for 30 minutes

      Shampoo and rinse well.

      Egg as a Protein Mask Treatment (Deep Conditioner)

      Natural hair has enough protein most conditioners have protein, so be sure to read your conditioners and shampoos ingredient label to know if your hair products has protein.
      If you are looking to strengthen your hair then protein will make your hair stronger, quickly.

      If you are interested in using animal protein that comes from using egg then here are some tips to remember:

      *1 egg is enough for a Protein Treatment

      1 egg treatment can harden hair (make hair brittle) please be sure to condition your hair before using a protein treatment for at least 5 minutes to prevent protein overoad:

      Egg & Olive Oil Hair Mask Recipe (2 Ingredients)

      Mix 1 whole eggs with four tablespoons of olive oil.

      Section hair into four 

      Apply egg mixture on ends, close to roots, and the rest of your hair.

      Let mixture sit for 5-10 minutes

      After a protein treatment, rinse hair in cool water

      Follow up with a moisturizing condititoner to make sure your hair gets enough moisture

       If you are conditioning your hair twice

      Once before a protein treatment

      And Once after the protein treatment only keep the conditioner in your hair 5 minutes or less to prevent elastic/stretchy hair (Over Moisturizing).

      1 egg treatment a month is enough protein for natural hair, maybe once every two months is safer:

      Remember this advice is suppose to be added to your own research

      This information varies from each natural, these recipes all Depends on your own

      Hair, Diet, and Lifestyle

      This post is Part 4 of Care for Your Natural Hair, A Better Way

      Part 5 Segment:

      Washing Natural Hair: The Quick n Easier Way

      Coming Soon!

      Washing Natural Hair: Care for Your Hair {Part 5} The Quick n Easier Way

      A quick way to wash your hair without leaving your hair dry is to 

      • Conditioner Wash your hair  
      •  Or dilute your shampoo before shampooing, to prevent the shampoo from stripping your hair completely of moisture

      What is Conditioner Wash (Also called Co-Wash)

      Conditioner wash is when you use conditioner in place of shampoo to wash your hair, please be sure to rinse the conditioner out of your hair completely. 

      Do's of Conditioner Washing (Co-Wash)

      DO Use a Moisturizing/Hydrating conditioner without any types of protein, protein will make your hair dry, brittle, and hard.

      How do you know if your conditioner have protein, check your hair product ingredients label 

      Read this post to understand different types of proteins:

      DO Make sure to Rinse conditioner fully out of your hair

      DO Always wash your hair with cool water instead of hot water, hot water dries out your hair and scalp also irritating your scalp.

      If you decide to use shampoo for a quick way to clean your hair remember one lather is enough, make sure to concentrate on your scalp smoothing the diluted shampoo down your hair and to the ends gently.

      Diluting Your Shampoo

      When diluting your shampoo 1 cap full, or 3 squeezes to 1 gallon of water  is a good mixture, you can test out diluted shampoo mixture till you find the result you are looking for : Hair and scalp that is clean just not squeaky clean or dry.

      411 Alert:
      Shampoo can last a long time, be sure water is not entering your shampoos; mold can grow, make sure you portion your shampoo into a bottle instead of adding water to the entire shampoo bottle 

      You can purchase inexpensive bottles to store shampoo for diluting:

      1. Diluting Your Shampoo

      Pour about 2-3 tablespoons of shampoo into a large bowl
      Add 4 cups of water (Enough for it to still be soapy)

      Do not shake this soap/water mixture, shaking cause this mixture to foam up

      Foam is not your Friend, it strips your hair of Oils and Moisture
      Stir diluted shampoo gently mixing both shampoo and water

      2. Washing Your Scalp and Hair

      Pour mixture over your head
      Use your fingers to massage scalp to loosen any product build-up or debris in hair
      Smooth distilled mixture gently through ends for your hair

      Repeat this step once or twice if needed

      Feeling around your scalp, see if your scalp and hair is clean  now it's time to rinse the shampoo out of your hair

      3. Rinsing your Hair Clean 

      Put entire head under cool luke -warm or cool running water and massage mixture out of hair

      Though this shampoo is dilute make sure all soap residue is out of your hair, rinsing your hair twice for good measure.

      Drying Your Hair

      Pat dry your hair using a light weight (thin but absorbent) turban or cotton T shirt , cover your head  and pat gently till your hair is lightly damp

      Before Air Drying/Blow Drying Hair

      Now's the time to condition your hair before air drying or blow drying

      Section your hair is four of more parts

      Use a good quality Moisturizing Leave-in/ or Moisturizing conditioner (free of any hair Protein) any creamy condition that hydrates or conditions hair well

      How do you know your conditioner have protein? Read this post that discuss Proteins in conditioners:

      The next step if you would like to hold on to softer hair longer is to "seal" your hair with a small amount of Oil (less than a dime size for each section of hair) remember to smooth oil through-out each part and the ends.

      Sealing your hair with  oil is when you used oil on damp hair that has been moisturized to retain softness and hydration.

      What Oils are good for Sealing? This post discuss some of the popular hair oils many women like to use as a seal:

      Here's a popular Youtube video by a hair and scalp expert on how to properly wash and condition hair:

      Conditioning & Shampooing Method Shown in this Youtube Tutorial Video

      The Hair Doctor, Trichologist Lisa Akbari demonstrates how to properly shampoo and condition natural hair

      This post is Part 5 of Care for Your Natural Hair, A Better Way

      Monday, November 1, 2010

      Top 4 Ingredients To Look for when Choosing a Moisturizing Conditioner UPDATED!

      September 24 2009

      The title says it all, if you don't have a "go to" moisturizing conditioner to make your hair easier to de-tangle, moisturizes; while also staying soft to the touch, then these are the top four ingredients I look for when choosing a daily conditioner/Moisturizing Conditioner.

      But First:

      What should ingredients should you AVOID When choosing a Daily Conditioner (Moisturizing Conditioner) to put in your hair when it gets a dry ?

      Cetearyl Alcohol
      Steralkonium Chloride

      These ingredients will make your hair Brittle, Dry, Itch,  Flake, and Frizz

      click here:Ingredient to Avoid in Hair Products

      If you are using a conditioner that claims to "Moisturize", "Condition", or "Hydrates Dry Hair" when all it does is smell nice and makes your hair feel smooth when your hair is wet

      Then it's time to seek out a conditioner that does the following when hair is Air Dried or Blown Dried after using a Moisturizing Conditioner hair should feel:
      • Soft (Softer than before conditioning)
      • De-tangled
      If your conditioner doesn't make your hair feel manageable then its time to shop for a new Moisturizing Conditioner:

      Theses four ingredients below should be at the very top of your conditioner ingredients label


      Do The Conditioners I Purchase Have To Have to have all four Moisturizing Ingredients Listed

      Aloe, Botanical,Glycerin, and Oils, to be consider a Good Moisturizing Conditioner?

      No, your conditioner doesn’t need all four Ingredients to work as a moisturizing/hydrating conditioner
      I consider a good moisturizing conditioner to have these factors:
      • De-tangles 
      • Softens
      • Doesn't Dry Out Hair (Once your hair is dried completely it should not be hard, tangled, or dry)

      1. Aloe Barbadnesis or Aloe Vera Extract, Aloe Gel

      411 ALERT Aloe Vera can Lighten Your Hair( If your hair is dyed or naturally a dark color it will lighten it to a Brown)!

      Also too much Aloe gel or extract can leave hair Sticky

      Benefits of Aloe

      Increases circulation, conditions the scalp, and is a natural moisturizer that can soften and hydrate dry hair

      2. Glycerin \Glycerine

      411 ALERT

      Glycerin can Dry out Your Hair (Use Glycerin based Hair Products in Moderation if hair is Especially prone to Dryness)

      Be sure to use Glycerin products in humid environments like a rainy day or days where there's humidity in the air: Using Glycerin based products during Hot Dry Summer days or Cold Temperature Months dries hair out extremely quick. The Glycerin that you use in hot\cold months will seek out moisture, Glycerin will absorb your hair's own moisture leaving your hair bone DRY! Brittle, and easily cause breakage!!

      Benefits of Glycerin

      Glycerin is a natural humectant's, meaning it draws out moisture out of the hair, if temperatures are hot and lack moisture glycerin will absorb your hairs natural sebum and moisture out your own hair.

      TIP: If your hair is prone to dryness Use glycerin products on more humid days and limit usage:use Glycerin products that have Glycerin low on the ingredient list (like Glycerin shouldn't be the top 5 ingredients).

      3. Natural Oils Listed Below are Penetrating Oils

      Sweet Almond Oil

      Apricot Kernel Oil

      Avocado Oil

      Camellia Oil

      Jojoba Also called Simmondsia Chinensis

      Wheat Germ Oil

      Vitamin E Oil Also called Tocopherol

      There are levels in which these different oils absorb into hair some of these oils listed absorb deeper than other oils.

      Penetrating Oil (Oil that Absorbs Deep into Hair)

      Oils that penetrate the hair shaft makes hair stronger 
      • Coconut Oil (Though It Can Be Very Drying to Hair)
      • Shea (Butter) Oil

      Oil that Partially Penetrates (Oils that Penetrate not as Deep)
      • Avocado Oil
      • Coconut Oil
      • Olive Oil
      • Meadow Foam Seed Oil

      Oil that Do Not Penetrate Very Well (Oils that Penetrate but Barely)
      • Jojoba
      • Safflower
      • Sunflower
      Benefits of Natural Oils:
      Natural oils that penetrate the hair shaft allows the oils to strengthen hair shaft or stimulating hair growth, these oils do not block out moisture, which allows your hair to be hydrated by any water or  leave-in conditioner you put in your hair. These oil listed not only absorb into the hair,but also have nutrients which give hair extra nutrition to grow stronger and healthier.

      The main purpose of using oil in hair is to help your hair retain moisture, after using a moisturizer a dime size amount of oil smoothed through-out your hair will allow your moisturizer to last longer, the oil seals in the moisture by holding on to hydration longer than just using a leave-in alone:

      411 ALERT!!!

       Castor, Coconut and Olive oil is not on my list of "The Best Oils to use in your hair":

      Don't get me wrong all three of these oils have nutrients for the body and hair alike, but these oils are also what is called:

      NATURAL MOISTURE BARRIERS these oil seals out moisture very well which can leave hair brittle, dry, and cause major breakage.

      Castor, Coconut and Olive Oil is used in many beauty products especially hair products

      Coconut Oil itself is used in many soaps and shampoos for it cleansing effects, while castor oil  and olive oil is drying to the touch and must be used in a certain order in a hair regimen to maintain moisture. Hair that is naturally drier should use these oils in moderation and with close attention. If using any one of these threes oil make sure that these oils are not stripping hair of natural sebum or causing dryness by the oils sealing out moisture.

      Many women on popular hair websites say they have no negative effects when using Castor, Coconut, or Olive Oil in their hair or in their hair routines, other ladies Like ME have had bad effects when using these oil (as a seal) or using hair products that have these oils in the ingredient label.

       If you decide to use hair products that has Castor, Coconut or Olive Oil in them

      Always look for Organic or Purified Oils

      Example (the ingredients should state): Purified or Organic Oil

      Why Organic/Purified?

      Well many hair products uses oils that have not been purified, non-purified oils have chemicals and other bad things in them, so its best to stay away from hair products that does not say Organic or Purified Oil.

      If it doesn't say ORGANIC OR PURIFIED Oil before the actual word then it has not been purified

      If you are planing to use Castor Oil, Coconut Oil or Olive Oil straight from the bottle and into your hair:

      Natural Oils Labels Should Read

      Organic Cold Pressed and Hexane Free Castor Oil

      Organic Cold Pressed Coconut Oil

      Extra Virgin Olive Oil

      Extra Info on using Castor Oil

      You've probably seen Castor Oil in your drug store you know, the one in the small dark brown bottle, the color of the bottle protects the nutrients of the oils. I like to use the Castor oil that is in the clear bottle, I just make sure I get a small bottle.

      If using Castor Oil in your hair (or general usage) it should be

      Cold Pressed and Hexane Free

      The Ingredient label should say: Organic or Cold Pressed for Castor Oil

      Why Hexane Free and Cold Pressed Castor Oil?

      Hexane Free means the process of making Castor oil no chemicals or added.
      Cold Pressed is the process of pressing the Castor oil beans without heat, heat destroys the special qualities that are in the Castor oil itself.

      Example of Castor to purchase for Hair
      Castor Oil (Home Health Brand: Hexane Free/Cold Pressed)

      4. Plant/Botanical Extracts

      Chamomile Extract, Lavender Extract, etc (The list is LONG)

      411 ALERT

      Plant Extracts listed in hair products are also herbs too, please be sure to read your hair products carefully, some plant extracts (herbs) can be too harsh for your scalp and may be
      counter-productive.Herbs that can cause irritation to your scalp isn't worth the "moisturizing"" benefits.

      Benefits of Plant Extracts/Botanical Extracts

      Natural Plant and Botanical extracts gives hair nutrients, vitamins, and can even give your scalp added moisture. Plant extracts which are also herbs (rose hip,rosemary, sage) to name a few can help stimulate hair growth, increase blood circulation, and even condition the scalp; which helps reduce irritation that comes with having a dry scalp, less irritation to a dry scalp reduces the problem of thinning hair or breakage at the root of your hair.